This life-changing gift includes 10 beehives, materials, and beekeeping training and education.
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Animal Benefits
If you want to make a dramatic impact in the fight against hunger and poverty, this may “bee” the perfect gift! Bees are known for the delicious, nutritious honey they produce. But bees can give families even more. Your gift of a Honeybee Farm can turn a hungry family’s struggle into a lifetime of prosperity and hope.
This life-changing gift includes 10 beehives, materials and lessons for building the hives, training in beekeeping, marketing education to sell honey and beeswax, and local cooperative opportunities to secure better prices and a bigger voice in the market.
Did you know?
Bees produce everything from sweet honey to eat and sell, to beeswax that can be turned into goods like candles (which can be sold for even more money!)
Bees pollinate plants, which helps a family grow even more crops. With bees, farmers can see some of their harvests of fruits and vegetables double or even triple!
Bees are critical to our environment as pollinators—many animals and plants depend on them to survive, so your gift of a Honeybee Farm will help the earth!
All gifts to Heifer International are tax deductible. A portion of donations are used to raise awareness about the issues of hunger and poverty through education.