Hands holding grains

Global Institutions

Heifer International partners with global institutions to fund and scale our work around the world.

Heifer proactively seeks strategic and long term relationships with global institutions that align with our objectives to end hunger and poverty while caring for the earth. We identify and pursue funding opportunities from development banks, bilateral aid agencies and governments, United Nations agencies and global climate funds that align with our signature programs and benefit our smallholder farmers in the countries where we work.

Development Banks

While in some instances Heifer directly implements projects funded by development banks, more often we avail of development bank funding through host country government ministries in the countries where we work. We partner under these projects to drive the development banks and host country governments' development objectives.

Partnership for Resilient and Inclusive Small Livestock Markets Programme (PRISM)

Under the International Fund for Agricultural Development-funded Partnership for Resilient and Inclusive Small Livestock Markets Programme (PRISM) in Rwanda, Heifer has partnered with the Ministry of Agriculture to transform the Rwanda livestock sector and to enhance resilience.


Farmer Nyirabayoboke Selaphine stands with a cow in Rwanda

Bilateral Aid Agencies and Governments

Heifer partners with bilateral aid agencies and government bodies to both deliver on their desired outcomes and to scale up Heifer’s work under our signature programs. Heifer, alongside international consulting firms, NGOs, local partners, private sector partners, and innovators, forms consortiums to pursue funding opportunities from bilateral aid agencies and embassies. The opportunities are often competitive and can be co-designed with various stakeholders. Once awarded, Heifer consortiums deliver high quality and impactful results for smallholder farmers.

USAID-Funded Projects in India, Honduras, Guatemala, Nepal, Kenya, and Haiti

Heifer, in partnership with Cargill, DAI, Land O’Lakes Venture 37, Global Communities, and ACDI/VOCA, implements multiple USAID-funded projects in India, Honduras, Guatemala, Nepal, Kenya, and Haiti. The projects support smallholder farmers, specifically women, as they increase farm productivity, organize into cooperatives and become more resilient in the face of climate change.

 Self-help group members in India collect monthly contributions

United Nations Agencies

Heifer partners with numerous United Nations agencies to deliver technical support targeted at smallholder farmers, their farmer-owned cooperatives and broader rural communities. Various United Nations agencies provide funding support to Heifer to operate in our targeted countries.

United Nations Development Programme-Funded Project in Cambodia

Heifer implements a UNDP-funded project in Cambodia. The project uses solar technologies for agricultural and rural development.

Cambodian farmers in their vegetable garden

Global Climate Funds

Heifer partners with global climate funds and their implementing agencies to execute projects that address climate change challenges impacting smallholder farmers.

Resilience in Agricultural Supply Chains

Utilizing Global Environment Facility funds, Heifer partnered with Conservation International Foundation and Corporacion Andina De Fomento in Ecuador, Honduras and Guatemala to build climate resilience in agricultural supply chains and to develop an enabling environment for sustainable businesses.

Women from Heifer's Green Business Belt Signature Program in Guatemala stand together

Our Partners

World Bank

International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Inter American Development Bank

Asian Development Bank

African Development Bank

KfW Development Bank



European Union and European Commission

Dutch Government

Flanders Government

Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA)

German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ/GIZ)

Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)


Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD)

Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID)

Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA)

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

United Nations Development Programme

Green Climate Fund

Global Environment Facility



Land O’Lakes Venture 37


Conservation International Foundation

Corporacion Andina De Fomento

World Food Programme

United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women

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