Extreme heat does strange and terrible things to our bodies, especially for those of us not used to sweltering weather. If you’re traveling someplace with high temps or experiencing a heat wave at home, we’ve got you covered on how to deal with getting overheated:
Next time you head someplace new, try new foods, too. Here are a few daring foods to try from around the world – from fried grasshoppers in Mexico to roasted guinea pig in Peru.
The late chef and travel master Anthony Bourdain said it best: "Do we really want to travel in hermetically sealed popemobiles through the rural provinces of France, Mexico and the Far East, eating only in Hard Rock Cafes and McDonald's? Or do we want to eat without fear, tearing into the local stew, the humble taqueria's mystery meat, the sincerely offered gift of a lightly grilled fish head?"
Does the phrase “City of Chocolate” pique your interest? What if I told you there is an adorable animal out there that looks just like a combo of a monkey and raccoon? How about ruins of an ancient civilization? Guatemala is home to all of these wonders and more.
If you live somewhere prone to quakes, like those in California recently, give yourself peace of mind by putting together an earthquake survival kit complete with plenty of saved water and an emergency radio. In the event of any crisis, having a plan ahead of time can make a big difference when things get bad.
Instead of mindlessly scrolling through your phone in quiet moments, take up a hobby, like Sashiko, Japanese embroidery. Sashiko is a cheap, easy and transportable craft you can learn no problem to mend torn clothing, or as something beautiful and meditative to do with your hands.
Farming is food for the soul and food for the body. One writer found that farming transformed her body image. Instead of taking cues from the numbers on a scale, she grew to value the strength and fortitude she’d developed running a farm. And if you thought equine therapy was cool, check out cow-cuddling.