Insights from Heifer projects and our work with partners to catalyze local solutions for global impact.
In honor of International Day of Cooperatives, we’re proud to share the stories of co-op leaders fighting for a more prosperous tomorrow, united...
Every day, women farmers make invaluable contributions to agriculture — and with support to overcome the unique challenges they face, they are...
Agribusinesses in Africa are uniquely positioned to serve the growing food market — and provide opportunities for investors to do well by doing...
Isarat is a farmer, but she’s also an entrepreneur who’s using her knowledge to grow a soilless nursery to improve crop yields, reduce resource...
With Heifer's support, the Akota Women's Cooperative built and began operating an aggregation center — a marketplace for bulk goods, where...
Nourished families depend on nourished farms. In southwestern Nepal, one woman’s mulberry fodder business is keeping livestock healthy and...
Around the world, Heifer helps farmers use local resources to protect their livelihoods while caring for the environment. Moringa, also known as...
For smallholder farmers, backyard poultry are a sustainable pathway out of poverty. As bird flu outbreaks continue worldwide, farmers supported by...
Campesino identity is rooted in a deep connection to food, farming and the natural world. In their own words, two campesinos describe this sacred...
Kunti Devi has spent much of her life defined by others solely by her caste. Supported by Heifer, Kunti is now rising above prejudice, shedding the...