The power of women and community is a global universal. We are thrilled today to introduce you to a groundbreaking community leader as part of our...
Ichhasakti’s daily sacrifices of water, which she pours on the basil plant growing atop the altar, is believed to offer her some cosmic...
Sadia's mother is encouraging her youngest to chase her own ambitions. Out of this family’s three children, Sadia is only one who has the...
Sometimes it's discouraging how long it takes to progress the cause of gender equity, but take heart: there are women all around the world fighting...
We are proud to share that Hervil Cherubin, our Heifer Haiti Country Director, and Ronald Malbranche, a Heifer project participant, have been...
Goat is an important commodity of national economic significance in Nepal; however, it continues to encounter challenges in becoming an...
2017 was a year of great opportunities for the Heifer Ecuador Foundation. We worked on nine projects, in 13 provinces of Ecuador and one department...
Make a year-end contribution to Heifer International and lessen your tax burden. At the same time, you will give a family the resources they need...
Wishing all a happy holiday season, with a special thank you to our donors who chose to #GiveHeifer this time of year!
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