Bug Out On These Five Unusual Snack Ideas

By Heifer International

Last Updated: May 1, 2019

Bug Out On These Five Unusual Snack Ideas

More than 1,700 species of insects are edible, and they’re plentiful throughout the world. They’re also highly nutritious and easy on the world’s resources. So, if you're looking for new ways to be environmentally friendly, maybe try adding insects to your diet.

We've found five insect alternatives that can take the place of your more traditional fare. 


Surprisingly, the internet didn't have many photos of maggot ceviche. But here are some maggots in a bowl. (Photo courtesy Aslak Raanes, Flickr)


Ok, starting a listicle with maggots may be a bold move, but stay with us. Louis Sorkin, entomologist at the American Musuem of Natural History, says maggots make a tasty ceviche in a citrus marinade. And apparently, if you like scallops, you'll like the flavor of maggots, too!

Migratory locusts like the one pictured here are considered by some to be halal.


Sure locusts were a "plague" to Egypt, but according to Sorkin, some in the Middle East actually look forward to invading swarms. The insects can be captured in a net, roasted and eaten as a nutty-flavored snack. Yum! So, the next time you think, "You know what I could go for right now? Peanuts!" Try locusts instead. 

These guys are still raw, which is how they've traditionally been eaten by the Aboriginal people of Australia for generations.

Witchetty Grubs

Witchetty grubs, the larvae of the ghost moth which is exclusive to Australia, is the insect alternative to fried eggs, according to a post at insectsarefood.com. Though if you remember anthing from The Lion King, they taste like chicken, an opinion echoed on pilotguides.com, so long as you barbecue them. In order to get the perfect egg-y flavor, coook the 2-inch-long grub in butter. 

Weaver ants are found throughout southeast Asia and parts of Australia.

Weaver Ant Larvae

Feeling fancy? Think you'd like some caviar with your champagne? You're wrong. You want weaver ant larvae. The texture is similar to sturgeon or other fish roe, though the flavor is a little different, "creamy rather than fishy and quite nice in an omelet," says Patrick Durst, UNFAO representative. 

Wax worms aren't actually worms, they're the caterpillars of a moth. And depending on how you cook them, they taste like mushrooms.

Wax Worms

Haven't we all gotten a little sick of chanterelle mushrooms? I know I have. Well, the best alternative is the wax worm, according to GirlMeetsBug blogger Daniella Martin. She attributes their "delicious, subtle flavor" to the diet of bran and honey they eat while in captivity.